Drama in Vuaqava, Poll on National Anthem to be conducted, Cimbrun has applied to Cupertino Alliance


Cimbrun Tribune, Anthesterion 6, 699.4 (February 18th, 2021)

Drama in Vuaqava: GoldAxe Impeached

GoldAxe, former Minister-General of United Vuaqava, has been impeached after a controversy involving a breach of authority and threats against United Vuaqava's Minister of Diplomacy, a long-time ally and the Basileus' mentor, Desslok, as well as against the current Minister-General, known only as Florida. Basileus Alyx I was to serve as prosecutor for the case, but unfortunately, he couldn't make it in time for the trial. The controversy was just a small part of a massive piece of drama involving a micronation known as Tinakula, which is infamous for its leader, Afrasiyab Jamshaid, having started a tyrannical regime in the nation after losing two different elections. Minister-General Florida has publicly stated the following:

"As the former Deputy Minister General I have taken the office of the former Minister General.

I will strive to reverse the damage that he has caused to this great nation.

Vuaqava hereby revokes observer status and any recognition of the Progressive Association. This is the first step towards fixing the nation."

Poll on National Anthem to be conducted

A poll on the Hellenic Empire of Cimbrun's national anthem is to be conducted. The Basileus' current contender is Apple Seed, by Hiroyuki Sawano, with others to be added by citizens and visitors as time passes. The voting will start amongst the Advisors and Irikladis dynasty members at the second Advisory Meeting on the 28th, which will take place at noon CST. 

Cimbrun applies to Cupertino Alliance

Cimbrun, under the "Home of the Gods, Welcome to All" diplomatic approach, has applied to join the Cupertino Alliance. The application will be voted on in the 63rd session, and if we are voted in, we shall have two delegates: Basileus Alyx I and Crown Prince Phillip, our first session would be the 64th session, and we would be able to be upgraded to a full member in 2 week's time provided the Cupertino Alliance believes us capable. The session takes place 2 days prior to the first Advisory Meeting, and our acceptance or rejection shall be on the agenda.


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