Vancouver Island territorial dispute occuring, Cimbrun applies to CA and League of Hellenistic Micronations
Cimbrun defends Nexan claims in Vancouver Island
Cimbrun has started a movement to defend Nexan claims over Vancouver Island, which they call the Patriæ, after the dissolution of the Dominion of Vancouver Island led to a territorial dispute there. The Nexan Republic, or Nexus, has the oldest actual claim on the island, starting their claim with their foundation on March 23, 2015 (Elaphebolion 4, 698th Olympiad, 2nd year), and Cimbrun decided to intervene in the conflict on their behalf starting on May 1st, and things went from assertive argument to accusations of intimidation fairly quickly. Currently, thanks to the aid of Cimbrun and the LIN of which we are a member, the Nexus currently has the most supporters of any claim, with West Canada coming in close second and the VISSR and Cascadia currently tied for last.
This is the second conflict the Hellenic Empire of Cimbrun has shown support in (the first being the Des Plaines Valley War, showing support for Wegmat due to occupation of an ally's land by Rodentia and Philmont) and the first where they have actively participated.
Applications to Cupertino Alliance and League of Hellenistic Micronations sent
Cimbrun has reapplied to the Cupertino Alliance and requested membership in the League of Hellenistic Micronations.
The Cupertino Alliance is a major alliance currently chaired by Logan Ross, leader of Aenopia. Cimbrun had applied in February but was plagued by inactivity at the time, causing their expulsion. Several friends and allies, including Monmark and Vishwamitra, as well as LIN members such as Novus Hierosolymus and Waterside Park are members of the Cupertino Alliance, and Cimbrun hopes to join this time.
The League of Hellenistic Micronations is an organization dedicated to micronations with Hellenistic culture, which makes up a large part of Cimbrunese culture. Cimbrun intends to enter diplomacy with the other members of the League, and will invite others with Hellenistic culture should it find it beneficial.
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